SOJRN /ˈsōjərn/; noun
1. : an immersive, temporary stay to explore novel interests, connect with others, get a fresh perspective, and discover a different you.

Based on a philosophy of
Slow & Mindful Travel
Slow travel can be interpreted in many ways.
To us, it means:
Respectfully and openly engaging with the culture, participating only when invited.
Exploring mindfully and leaving no trace.
Taking time to appreciate the details and intimate moments that make life interesting.
It also means avoiding over-tourism, keeping gems hidden, and pouring travel dollars into the communities we visit.
Sojrns have been designed with these principles in mind and we invite you to practice them in your own exploring.

Meet the team behind
Our Story
Sojrn is brought to you by the travel-obsessed team at FTLO Travel, the fastest growing group travel company for young professionals.
As a fully remote travel company, we know a thing or two about creating amazing travel experiences living and working abroad. We took that knowledge and turned it into Sojrn to help you "live" abroad, explore different passions, and connect with people who share your interests.
Whether you've dreamed of learning Spanish in Colombia, salsa dancing in Cuba, or studying history in Rome, we want to help you make it happen.